Life Advocacy Briefing
December 17, 2007
Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year!
Voting Record Index – 110th Congress – First Session – House / Senate
Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year!
WE WISH ALL OUR READERS a blessed Christmas and happy New Year celebration as we close out year 14 of Life Advocacy Briefing with our Voting Record Index. We expect the next edition of Life Advocacy Briefing to bear a 2008 date, that of Jan. 7, unless a special edition is warranted.
Voting Record Index – 110th Congress – First Session – House
WITH THE SHIFT OF MAJORITY RULE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, the House of Representatives saw dramatically less action on Life-related issues in 2007, starting the year with a major push toward overturning President Bush’s limits on subsidizing biologic experimentation which involves killing of embryonic human beings and pressing for endorsement of human cloning for supposed therapeutic purposes, later gutting the Reagan-era Mexico City Policy disqualifying abortionists like International Planned Parenthood from US “family planning” aid from the US Agency for International Development.
Pro-life lawmakers’ initiatives were often thwarted by parliamentary maneuvering but did see defensive roll calls on abstinence education and “Mexico City.” The most landmark vote of the year was on an amendment by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) seeking to disqualify abortionists like Planned Parenthood from domestic “family planning” subsidies under Title X (Ten), cited in this Index as Roll Call K.
At this writing, major appropriation issues – including “Mexico City” – are unresolved some three months into the 2008 fiscal year.
A. HR-3 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ to tax Americans for experimentation necessitating the killing of certain embryonic human babies – Motion to recommit with instructions to amend the HR-3 to bar eligibility for grant applicants who practice cloning – Jan. 11, 2007 – Failed 189-238.
B. HR-3 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ to tax Americans for experimentation necessitating the killing of certain embryonic human babies – Final passage – Jan. 11, 2007 – Passed 253-174.
C. HR-2560 – ‘Human Cloning Prohibition Act’ to expressly authorize the cloning of human beings but define as a crime the implantation of such a cloned human being into a womb – Final passage – June 6, 2007 – Failed 204-213.
D. HRes-464 – Defining Rule for consideration of S-5 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ to tax Americans for experimentation necessitating the killing of certain embryonic human babies – Motion to end debate – June 7, 2007 – Passed 221-195.
E. HRes-464 – Defining Rule for consideration of S-5 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ to tax Americans for experimentation necessitating the killing of certain embryonic human babies – Adoption of Rule – June 7, 2007 – Passed 224-191.
F. S-5 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ to tax Americans for experimentation necessitating the killing of certain embryonic human babies – Motion to recommit, seeking to block passage – June 7, 2007 – Failed 180-242.
G. S-5 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ to tax Americans for experimentation necessitating the killing of certain embryonic human babies – Final passage – June 7, 2007 – Passed 247-176.
H. HR-2764 – State Dept. Appropriation – Pitts Amendment seeking to restore abstinence emphasis to grants for prevention of HIV/AIDS overseas – Motion to adopt – June 21, 2007 – Failed 200-226.
I. HR-2764 – State Dept. Appropriation – Lowey Amendment requiring American taxpayers to furnish contraceptives to nongovernmental organizations which commit or promote abortions overseas – Motion to adopt – June 21, 2007 – Passed 223-201.
J. HR-2764 – State Dept. Appropriation – Smith Amendment seeking to restore ‘Mexico City’ Policy protecting American taxpayers from being forced to aid nongovernmental organizations which commit or promote abortions overseas – Motion to adopt – June 21, 2007 – Failed 205-218.
K. HR-3043 – Labor/HHS Appropriation – Pence Amendment seeking to bar Planned Parenthood from funding under the Family Planning Act (Title X) – Motion to adopt – July 19, 2007 – Failed 189-231.
100% Pro-Life
—Republicans: AL/Aderholt, Bachus, Rogers; AZ/Franks, Renzi, Shadegg; AR/Boozman; CA/Campbell, Doolittle, Gallegly, Herger, Lungren, McCarthy, Nunes, Royce; CO/Lamborn, Musgrave; FL/Bilirakis, Buchanan, Crenshaw, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Diaz-Balart, Feeney, Keller, Mica, Miller, Putnam, Ros-Lehtinen, Stearns, Weldon; GA/Deal, Gingrey, Kingston, Linder, Price; ID/Sali; IL/Johnson, LaHood, Manzullo, Roskam, Shimkus, Weller; IN/Burton, Pence, Souder; IA/King, Latham; KS/Moran, Tiahrt; KY/Davis, Lewis, Rogers; LA/Alexander, Baker, Boustany, McCrery; MD/Bartlett; MI/Camp, Ehlers, Hoekstra, Knollenberg, McCotter, Miller, Rogers, Walberg; MN/Bachmann, Kline; MS/Wicker; MO/Akin, Blunt, Graves, Hulshof; MT/Rehberg; NE/Fortenberry, Smith, Terry; NJ/Ferguson, LoBiondo, Saxton, Smith; NM/Pearce; NY/King, Kuhl, McHugh, Walsh; NC/Foxx, Hayes, Jones, McHenry, Myrick; OH/Boehner, Chabot, Gillmor, Jordan, Schmidt, Tiberi, Turner; OK/Cole, Fallin, Lucas; PA/English, Murphy, Peterson, Pitts; SC/Barrett, Brown, Inglis, Wilson; TN/Blackburn, David Davis, Duncan, Wamp; TX/Brady, Burgess, Carter, Conaway, Culberson, Hall, Hensarling, Sam Johnson, McCaul, Neugebauer, Poe, Sessions, Smith, Thornberry; UT/Bishop, Cannon; VA/Drake, Forbes, Goode, Goodlatte, Wolf; WA/Hastings, McMorris-Rodgers; WI/Petri, Ryan, Sensenbrenner.
—Democrats: (None)
100% Pro-Life when voting (lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: AL/Bonner/h,i,j; CA/Hunter/c,h,i,j, Gary Miller/a,b, Radanovich/a,b; CO/Tancredo/c,d,e,f,g,k; GA/Westmoreland/a,b; ID/Simpson/i,j; IL/Hastert/a,b; IN/Buyer/a,b,e;
KY/Whitfield/j; LA/Jindal/k; MS/ Pickering/c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j; NJ/Garrett/d,e; OK/Sullivan/h,i,j; PA/Shuster/c,k; TX/Gohmert/k, Marchant/d,e, Paul/i,j,k; VA/Cantor/c,d,e,f,g, JoAnn Davis/h,i,j,k; WY/Cubin/h,i,j,k.
—Democrats: (None)
Mostly Pro-Life—Voting “pro-life” on all but 1 to 3 roll calls when voting (upper-case letters after “/” marks anti-life votes; lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: AL/Everett/K; AZ/Flake/F; CA/Dreier/B,G, Issa/A,B,G, McKeon/B,G, Rohrabacher/B,F,G; FL/Young/B,G; MO/Emerson/B,F,G; NV/Heller/B,F,G, Porter/A,B/d,e,f,g; NY/Fossella/B,F,G, Reynolds/K; NC/Coble/B,F,G; OH/Hobson/H,I,K, LaTourette/B,F,G; PA/Platts/B,F,G; TX/Barton/B,F,G.
—Democrats: GA/Marshall/D,E/k; IL/Costello/D,H; IN/Donnelly/A,D,E, Ellsworth/D,E; MI/Stupak/D,K; MN/Peterson/D; MS/Taylor/D; NC/McIntyre/D, Shuler/D; TN/Lincoln Davis/D/a; WV/Mollohan/A,D, Rahall/A,D.
Conflicted—Voting “pro-life” on 4 to 7 roll calls (upper-case letters after “/” marks anti-life votes; lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: AK/Young/B,E,G,H; CA/Bilbray/A,B,C,F,G/d,e, Lewis/A,B,C,G,K; FL/Brown-Waite/A,B,E,F,G,K, Mack/A,B,F,G; MI/Upton/B,C,F,G,I,K; OH/Pryce/A,B,F,G,I,J,K, Regula/B,E,F,G; OR/Walden/A,B,F,G,J,K; PA/Gerlach/B,E,F,G,K; TX/Granger/B,C,F,G,I,K; WA/Reichert/A,B,C,F,G; WV/Capito/B,C,F,G,I,K.
—Democrats: IL/Lipinski/A,D,E,H; LA/Melancon/A,B,D,E,F,G,H; MN/Oberstar/D,E,H,I; MO/Skelton/A,B,D,E,F,G,H; OH/Kaptur/A,D,E,F,H,K, Wilson/A,D,E,F,H; OR/Boren/A,B,D,E,F,G; PA/Holden/B,K/c,d,e,f,g.
Mostly Anti-Life—Voting “pro-life” on 1 to 3 roll calls (upper-case letters after “/” marks pro-life votes; lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: CA/Bono/D,E,H/k; CT/Shays/D; DE/Castle/D; IL/Biggert/D, Kirk/D; MA/Gilchrest/D/b; MN/Ramstad/D; NJ/Frelinghuysen/C,D,E; PA/Dent/D,E; VA/Tom Davis/C,D,H.
—Democrats: AL/Cramer/C/h,i,j; AR/Berry/C; GA/Barrow/D,H, Bishop/C/a,b; IN/Hill/C; MI/Kildee/C,I,J; ND/Pomeroy/C/d,e,f,g; PA/Altmire/C,I,J, Carney/C, Doyle/C, Kanjorski/C,I,J, Murtha/C,I,J; TX/Cuellar/C,H, Ortiz/K/h,i,j.
Solidly Anti-Life—Voting 100% anti-life (lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: (None)
—Democrats: AL/Davis/i; AZ/Giffords, Grijalva, Mitchell, Pastor, Snyder; AR/Ross; CA/Baca, Becerra/c, Berman, Capps, Cardoza, Costa, Davis, Eshoo, Farr, Filner/k, Harman/k, Honda, Lantos, Lee, Lofgren/k, Matsui, McNerney, Geo. Miller/k, Napolitano, Pelosi*/c,d,e,f,j,k, Roybal-Allard, Linda Sanchez, Loretta Sanchez/h,i,j, Schiff, Sherman, Solis, Stark, Tauscher, Thompson, Waters, Watson, Waxman/h, Woolsey; CO/DeGette, Perlmutter, Salazar, Udall; CT/Courtney, DeLauro, Larson, Murphy; FL/Boyd, Cor. Brown/k, Castor, Hastings/c,d,e,f,g, Klein, Mahoney, Meek, Wasserman-Schultz, Wexler; GA/Johnson, Lewis, Scott; HI/Abercrombie/h, Hirono; IL/Bean, Davis, Emanuel, Gutierrez, Hare, Jackson, Rush, Schakowsky; IN/Carson, Visclosky; IA/Boswell, Braley, Loebsack; KS/Boyda, Moore; KY/Chandler, Yarmuth; LA/Jefferson/c,d,e,f,g; ME/Allen, Michaud; MD/Cummings, Hoyer, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes, VanHollen, Wynn; MA/Capuano, Delahunt, Frank, Lynch, Markey, McGovern, Meehan/k**, Neal, Olver, Tierney; MI/Conyers/c,d,e, Dingell, Kilpatrick, Levin; MN/Ellison, McCollum, Walz; MS/Thompson; MO/Carnahan, Clay, Cleaver; NV/Berkley; NH/Hodes, Shea-Porter; NJ/Andrews/c,d, Holt, Pallone/c, Pascrell, Payne, Rothman, Sires; NM/Udall; NY/Ackerman, Arcuri, Bishop, Clarke, Crowley, Engel, Gillibrand, Hall, Higgins, Hinchey, Israel, Lowey, Maloney, McCarthy, McNulty, Meeks, Nadler, Rangel, Serrano, Slaughter, Towns/c, Velazquez, Weiner/i,j; NC/Butterfield, Etheridge, Miller, Price, Watt; OH/Jones/c, Kucinich, Ryan/c,d,e,f,g, Space, Sutton; OR/Blumenauer, DeFazio, Hooley, Wu; PA/Brady, Fattah, Pat Murphy, Schwartz, Sestak/e; RI/Kennedy, Langevin; SC/Clyburn, Spratt; SD/Herseth-Sandlin; TN/Cohen, Cooper, Gordon, Tanner; TX/Doggett, Gonzalez, A. Green, G. Green, Hinojosa, Jackson-Lee, E.B. Johnson, Lampson/d,e, Reyes, Rodriguez; UT/Matheson; VT/Welch; VA/Boucher, Moran, Scott; WA/Baird, Dicks, Inslee, Larsen, McDermott, Smith; WI/Baldwin, Kagen/d,e,f,g, Kind, Moore, Obey.
Note: Rep. Millender-McDonald passed away early in the session, casting anti-Life votes on the first two roll calls; her successor was not seated to vote on any matter recorded in Life Advocacy Briefing.
* Rep. Pelosi is the Speaker of the House; it is customary the Speaker does not vote.
** Rep. Meehan resigned from the House before the “K” vote was taken.
Voting Record Index – 110th Congress – First Session – Senate
THE SENATE, TOO, HAS CHANGED FOCUS DRAMATICALLY. No judicial confirmation votes occurred in 2007 with a clear division on Life issues; most judicial nominees thought to be pro-life were simply stalled in committee with no action taken. Several contentious issues did arise, however, and in a few cases, Senate rules gave Life-advocating Senators opportunities to prevail. In both the House and the Senate, our voting index shows: For the cause of Life, elections do matter!
A. S-5 – ‘Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act’ – April 11, 2007 – Passed 63-34.
B. S-30 – ‘Hope Act’ increasing federal subsidies for research on stem cells taken from embryonic humans who have already died – Final passage – , 2007 – Passed 70-28. Note note LAB 4/16
C. HR-976 – Allard Amendment to S-CHIP Reauthorization Act – Aug. 2, 2007 – Failed 49-50.
D. HR-2764 – Boxer Amendment to repeal pro-life ‘Mexico City’ Policy – Sept. 6, 2007 – Adopted 53-41.
E. HR-2764 – Brownback Amendment to restore ‘Mexico City’ Policy – Sept. 6, 2007 – Failed 41-53.
F. HR-2764 – Brownback Amendment to restore ‘Kemp-Kasten’ bar to foreign aid for abortionists – Sept. 6, 2007 – Adopted 48-45.
G. S-1257 – DC House Voting Rights Act – Motion to end debate – Sept. 18, 2007 – Failed 57-42 (needing 60).
H. Motion to table Coburn Amendment to transfer museum pork to services for expectant mothers and their children – Oct. 17, 2007 – Failed 42-52, effectively adopting the amendment.
I. Reid Amendment to nullify effect of Vitter Amendment (see J) in event Vitter adopted – Oct .18, 2007 – Adopted 68-25.
J. Vitter Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood from Title X – Oct. 18, 2007 – Failed 41-52.
100% Pro-Life
—Republicans: AL/Sessions, Shelby; AZ/Kyl; CO/Allard; GA/Chambliss, Isakson; ID/ Crapo; IA/Grassley; KY/Bunning, McConnell; LA/Vitter; NE/Hagel; NV/Ensign; NM/Domenici; OK/Coburn, Inhofe; SC/DeMint, Graham; TX/Cornyn; WY/Enzi.
100% Pro-Life when voting (lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: ID/Craig/d,e,f; WY/Thomas*/c-j, Barrasso**/a,b.
Mostly Pro-Life—Voting “pro-life” on all but 1 to 3 roll calls when voting (upper-case letters after “/” marks anti-life votes; lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: FL/Martinez/I; KS/Brownback/I, Roberts/I; NC/Burr/A; MN/Coleman/G,I; MO/Bond/I,J; NH/Gregg/A,I, Sununu/I; NC/Burr/A, Dole/I; OH/Voinovich/G; SD/Thune/I; TN/Alexander/A,I, Corker/I; TX/Hutchison/A,I; UT/Bennett/A,G,I, Hatch/A,G,I.
Conflicted—Voting “pro-life” on 4 to 6 roll calls (upper-case letters after “/” marks anti-life votes; lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: AK/Murkowski/A,C,D,E,I,J, Stevens/A,C,D,E,I,J; AZ/McCain/A,I/d,e,f,h; IN/Lugar/A,G,I,J; OR/Smith/A,D,E,I.
—Democrats: LA/Landrieu/D,E,G,I,J/a; NE/Nelson/G,H,I,J; PA/Casey/D,G,H,I,J.
Mostly Anti-Life—Voting “pro-life” on 1 to 3 roll calls (upper-case letters after “/” marks pro-life votes; lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: ME/Collins/B,H, Snowe/B,H; PA/Specter/B,H; VA/Warner/C,F,G/h,i,j.
—Democrats: Pryor/B; Salazar/B; DE/Biden/B/d,e,f,h,i,j, Carper/B; HI/Akaka/B; IN/Bayh/H; IA/Harkin/B; MA/Kennedy/C/h,i,j, Kerry/C; MN/Klobuchar/B; MO/McCaskill/B,H; MT/Baucus/G; ND/Conrad/B,F, Dorgan/B; OH/Brown/B; RI/Reed/B, Whitehouse/B; VT/Leahy/B; VA/Webb/H; WV/Byrd/B/g; WI/Feingold/H.
Solidly Anti-Life—Voting 100% anti-life (lower-case letter after “/” marks “not voting”)
—Republicans: (None)
—Democrats: AR/Lincoln/d,e,f; CA/Boxer, Feinstein; CT/Dodd/a,b,f,h,i,j; FL/Nelson; HI/Inouye; IL/Durbin, Obama/d,e,f,h,i,j; MD/Cardin, Mikulski/i,j; MI/Levin, Stabenow; MT/Tester; NV/Reid; NJ/Lautenberg, Menendez; NM/Bingaman; NY/Clinton/d,e,f,i,j, Schumer; OR/Wyden; SD/Johnson/a,b,c; WA/Cantwell, Murray; WV/Rockefeller; WI/Kohl.
—“Independents”: CT/Lieberman; VT/Sanders.
* Sen. Thomas passed away early in the session.
** Sen. Barrasso succeeded Sen. Thomas.