Life Advocacy Briefing

January 26, 2009


Bail-Out for Planned Parenthood / Telling Truth to Power / Observing the Roe Anniversary / Way to Persuade / Secretary of State Confirmed / Still Waiting / Looking to Congress? / Expecting the Worst / The New President’s ‘Take’ on January 22 / March for Life Speeches

Bail-Out for Planned Parenthood

THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION HAS UNCOVERED AN ABORTION POISON PILL in the massive so-called “stimulus” bill making its way through Congress.

“Section 5004, ‘State Eligibility Option for Family Planning Services,’ would make Medicaid into a virtual money machine for family planning clinics,” writes Dennis G. Smith in a Jan. 22 “webmemo” distributed by Heritage Foundation via electronic mail.

“Contrary to current law,” he writes, “the income of parents or even a spouse may not be counted in determining eligibility. A state would have the option to ‘consider only the income of the applicant or recipient,’” he notes. “In other words,” writes Mr. Smith, “a child in a family at any income level may be eligible for free family planning services,” a huge bonus for Planned Parenthood.

Not only does the complex language of the section also undermine parental authority, it further provides, writes Mr. Smith, “Benefits are not limited to ‘family planning services and supplies.’ Section 5004 expands benefits at state option,” he writes, “to include ‘medical diagnosis and treatment services that are provided in conjunction with a family planning service in a family planning setting.’ This,” he remarks, “is a massive loophole.”

And if Section 5004 does not become politically radioactive as this package wends its way through debate in both houses, someone will not be doing his or her job.


Telling Truth to Power

A RECORD NUMBER OF PRO-LIFE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ADDRESSED the crowd at last Thursday’s March for Life in Washington, which drew to the National Mall what appeared to be a record crowd, estimated at 300,000.

Life Advocacy Briefing traditionally publishes the text of such speeches, transcribed from televised coverage of the annual March rally, and will begin a series of such transcripts at the close of this edition. This year’s transcripts, taken from the live coverage on Eternal Word Television Network, are complete only to the extent the speeches were aired on EWTN; the network switched its coverage away from the stage to crowd interviews in some cases. We had hoped to complete our coverage via C-SPAN, but the nation’s Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network did not air the March for Life this year for the first time in our memory.

Besides the Congressional speeches, March for Life president Nellie Gray delivered a strong message in opening the rally, and various clergy stirred the massive crowd.


Observing the Roe Anniversary

PRO-LIFE MEMBERS OF THE U.S. HOUSE STAGED A SERIES OF SPEECHES last Wednesday night in the House, televised by C-SPAN and formalized in the Congressional Record (see Jan. 21, 2009). The “special order” was led and organized by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus, who spoke about the abortion agenda in the new Administration.

Participants in the special order, according to a memo we received from Capitol Hill, were GOP Representatives Virginia Foxx (NC), Mike Pence (IN), Scott Garrett (NJ), Bob Latta (OH), Michelle Bachmann (MN), Doug Lamborn (R), Phil Roe MD (TN), Jim Jordan (OH), Paul Broun MD (GA), Jeff Fortenberry (NE) and Mark Souder (IN).


Way to Persuade

A DEVASTATINGLY EFFECTIVE PRO-LIFE AD IS RUNNING on the Internet website The ad has been airing on Black Entertainment Television (BET) and is slated soon to air on Fox News, Cable News Network (CNN), and Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).

The ad celebrates the potential of every human life, showing a prenatal child by sonographic image and describing the child’s family circumstances in a way which suggests a troubled course of life. The circumstances described directly reflect the early days of the new President of the United States, who is identified at the close of the ad.

Life Advocacy Briefing strongly urges all readers to gain access to the Internet and view the ad, as a model of effective pro-life persuasion. More than 200,000 have already viewed the ad, according to Chelsea Schilling, writing for Will the ad’s subject view it himself? We can pray that his curiosity about all things Obama will draw his attention to this dramatic presentation of truth.


Secretary of State Confirmed

HILLARY CLINTON WAS CONFIRMED Wednesday as US Secretary of State, but not before hours of debate and not without a recorded roll call.

Our thanks to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) for blocking the nomination from being considered by unanimous consent as part of a large bloc of confirmations executed by voice vote on Tuesday. And thanks especially to the two Senators who stood out with their “no” votes, GOP Senators David Vitter (LA) and Jim DeMint (SC).

In the end, the vote was 94-to-2, with the ailing Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Sen. Clinton herself not voting. The Senate currently has two vacancies because of the resignation of Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) to join the Cabinet and because of the contested Senate election results in Minnesota.


Still Waiting

PRES. BARACK OBAMA ALLOWED THE 36th ANNIVERSARY of the dreadful Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton edicts to pass last Thursday without issuing an executive order repealing the ban on foreign aid dollars being disbursed to outfits which commit or abet abortions overseas or advocate for relaxation or repeal of Life-protective laws in foreign countries. Though not slapping the masses of pro-life citizens marching in Washington last Thursday, he is expected any day to issue the order opening the federal treasury to such death mongers as International Planned Parenthood Federation, which, under the ban, has been disqualified for US taxpayer subsidies.

Known to the pro-life community as “the Mexico City policy,” the ban was first ordered by then-President Ronald Reagan in response to an international conference on population which was hosted by Mexico in its capital. It was repealed by Pres. William Clinton on Jan. 22, 1993, and then reinstated by Pres. George W. Bush as one of his first acts in office in 2001.


Looking to Congress?

ANOTHER OBAMA MOVE WHICH WAS EXPECTED BUT DID NOT COME last Thursday was an order lifting Pres. George W. Bush’s August 2001 limit on tax funding of experimentation requiring the sacrifice of embryonic human beings.

Though long expected to sign at least two pro-abortion executive orders on Jan. 22, Pres. Obama signaled in a Jan. 16 interview with Cable News Network (CNN), reports Carrie Budoff Brown for, “that he might not use his executive authority to reverse Bush-era limits on stem cell research but instead might wait for Congress to change the policy.”

Perhaps reflecting on the pending removal from office of his own impeached governor, Rod Blagojevich, who is accused of usurping legislative authority, “the President-elect suggested Friday,” writes Mrs. Brown, “that he would wait for Congress to weigh in on the issue. ‘Well,’” he said in the CNN interview, according to Mrs. Brown, “‘if we can do something legislative, then I usually prefer a legislative process because those are the people’s representatives. … I like the idea of the American people’s representatives expressing their views on an issue like this.’”

Translation: As long as he thinks he can prevail in Congress, he’ll take the legislative route, but if the “people’s representatives” don’t agree with him, he’ll just have to take matters into his own hands.


Expecting the Worst

THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE PRO-LIFE CAUCUS CAUTIONS that such tactical moves should not be taken as signals of a change of heart. In an inauguration day report by Kathleen Gilbert for, Rep. Chris Smith said, “‘Look at the gatekeepers; he has embedded in key positions everywhere ardent pro-abortionists – some of the people that are really the movers and shakers of the pro-abortion movement are in key gatekeeping positions when it comes to policy,’ he said,” writes Ms. Gilbert, “noting that the new Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has an unmatched pro-abortion record.

“‘We already have very poor abortion policy,’” said Rep. Smith in the LifeSiteNews story, “‘and now it’s going from bad to worse under Obama.’”


The New President’s ‘Take’ on January 22

Jan. 22, 2009, statement of Pres. Barack Obama on the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, issued by the Office of the Press Secretary, The White House

On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we are reminded that this decision not only protects women’s health and reproductive freedom but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose.

While this is a sensitive and often divisive issue, no matter what our views, we are united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce the need for abortion, and support women and families in the choices they make. To accomplish these goals, we must work to find common ground to expand access to affordable contraception, accurate health information and preventative services.

On this anniversary, we must also recommit ourselves more broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights and opportunities as our sons: the chance to attain a world-class education, to have fulfilling careers in any industry, to be treated fairly and paid equally for their work, and to have no limits on their dreams. That is what I want for women everywhere.


March for Life Speeches

Transcribed by Life Advocacy Briefing from live coverage Jan. 22, 2009, on EWTN

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) … [speech partly preempted by EWTN interview] … Our constituents need to know how we stand before we cast the votes, because if we wait until afterwards and something bad happens, it’s too late to change it. So I encourage you, I entreat you and I beg you to be involved in political action on the part of every pro-life measure that there is and in opposition to every measure that intends to encourage the doctrine of death, because we can win it if the people are involved. I’m going to be here leading the fight in the House Judiciary Committee to stop all of this bad stuff from happening. Please help me. Please help me. Please help my colleagues who will be speaking after me. And then when we come here next year, and when we come here two years from now, we can rest in the satisfaction that the gains that we have fought [for] so hard over the last 36 years at the federal and state level remain the law of the land, and then we can work on getting rid of both Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey and restore the law to where it should be. Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America.

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN): I’m Mike Pence, I’m the chairman of the House Republican Conference, and I’m pro-life. It’s the 22nd of January again. Thank you all for coming to our nation’s capital. It’s an encouragement to the men and women who[m] you’ll hear from in moments, who stand every day in the well of the House and the Senate on behalf of the sanctity of human life. I believe that despite the fact that here in Washington, DC, it appears that those who support abortion rights are consolidating their control at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, because of every one of you, life is winning in America today. Every day, every hour, compassion is overcoming convenience, Life is defeating despair, and hope, a lifetime of regret. And let me assure you that the men and women who stand here with me today and those who stand here for Life in Washington, DC, will continue to stand for the sanctity of life on the floor of the Congress. We will continue to defend taxpayers on matters of conscience. We will say no taxpayer money to promote abortion at home or abroad. And let me say as I close, along with members on this floor yesterday, we reintroduced legislation that would once and for all deny all federal funding to Planned Parenthood of America. The largest abortion provider in America should not be the recipient of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds. Keep on praying, keep on working. Life is winning.

Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD): Maryland, where are you? Okay. I’m Roscoe Bartlett. I’ve been here 17 times now. I’m the only pro-life vote in the Congress from Maryland. Thank you very much for your support. This is a beautiful day, but for 17 years I’ve seen you come here by the thousands in the rain, the sleet, the snow and in bitter cold. Please know you are an inspiration not only to us but to millions of people across America who share your commitment. We’re gaining – two steps forward, one step back – but we’re making progress. There is a God in heaven, which means ultimately we will be successful. Please keep on keeping on. Thank you.

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) … [speech partly preempted by EWTN interview] … [Our courts have ripped] God from our public forums, ripped the life from our mothers and ripped the heart out of America. God bless you.

Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH): Good afternoon. I’m Congresswoman Jean Schmidt from the great state of Ohio. I’m also the chairwoman of the Congressional Women’s Pro-Life Caucus, and we women are busy. Much is to be done, but so much is the people that stand behind me [the post-abortive mothers carrying signs on the rally stage], these women that never had anyone to champion their cause. I believe we need to reach out to those mothers, those birth mothers, and offer them a helping hand. And so I’m going to reintroduce legislation that will give birth mothers the opportunity to recognize the value of their service in choosing Life and giving that life into a loving arm of adoption. It will provide a tax credit to those women – just as we allow abortions to be tax deductible – it will provide a tax credit so that they can carry out their pregnancy, give that baby to a loving arm and not have to worry about the consequences of the costs involved. It’s my “Juno” bill. I ask you to join me to end this war [of] abortion and thank those women who so ardently fight for [Life]. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.


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