Life Advocacy Briefing
February 16, 2009
Another Subsidy for Planned Parenthood? / Another Bad Apple / Obama to ‘Fix’ What ‘Ain’t Broke’ / Time for Prevention / On the Record / Good Choice / ‘Komen’s Dark Side’ / Setback in Southern Wisconsin / March for Life Speeches
Another Subsidy for Planned Parenthood?
HEARING ON THE RADIO FRIDAY MORNING that the massive spending bill being pushed through Congress by Pres. Obama “has condoms in it,” we have sought vainly to confirm or disprove that the previously stripped contraceptives subsidy has been reinserted. Eventually, no doubt, we’ll know.
But we did note this point from Abstinence Clearinghouse: “Close reading of the Stimulus Bill reveals $335 million set aside for condoms and explicit ‘s.t.d. prevention’ programs to be overseen by the Centers for Disease Control.” Given the sexually transmitted disease programs carried on by Planned Parenthood as a sideline to its abortion business, is there any doubt that this, too, is a massive new subsidy for the nation’s chief abortion purveyor?
Another Bad Apple
PENDING IN THE SENATE IS THE NOMINATION of abortion advocate Elena Kagan as Solicitor General of the United States, our government’s chief litigator. In an alert bulletin from the Susan B. Anthony List pro-life political action committee, SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser calls Ms. Kagan “a strong supporter of the pro-abortion agenda. She has vigorously opposed the defunding of taxpayer-funded clinics which promote abortions,” she adds, noting further that the appointee’s “nomination questionnaire expressly states that she has no real experience in the courtroom,” normally considered a must-have qualification for this critical post.
Readers are asked to call their US Senators at their home offices or via the Capitol switchboard at 1-202/224-3121 and urge them to vote “no” on Elena Kagan and “no” on David Ogden, the Obama nominee for Deputy Atty. General; we focused on Mr. Ogden and his pro-abortion work for the American Civil Liberties Union in last week’s Life Advocacy Briefing.
Obama to ‘Fix’ What ‘Ain’t Broke’
THOUGH THE TIMING IS UNCERTAIN, Pres. Obama has gone back to saying he will reverse Pres. George W. Bush’s policy protecting taxpayers from complicity in the barbaric sacrifice of embryonic human beings for the sake of utilitarian science. He had been widely expected to repeal the Bush executive order on “embryo stem cell” experimentation as one of his first acts in office, but as Inauguration Day neared, he signaled a preference for waiting until Congress would act.
During the recent House Democrats’ retreat in a Williamsburg, Virginia, resort, however, the new President “gave his ‘guarantee,’” writes Jerome Corsi for (WND), “he will sign an executive order overturning” the Bush order of Aug. 9, 2001. At the same gathering, according to the Washington Times, he urged Congressional action in order to prevent a future President from reinstating the Bush order.
“[Mr.] Obama appears determined to push the embryonic stem cell political agenda,” writes Mr. Corsi, “despite medical concerns that therapeutic results in human medical treatments over decades have proved that adult stem cells derived from human placenta[s] produce results, while embryonic stem cells produce tumors hazardous to human health. …
“‘In order to be defined as an embryonic stem cell, those cells by definition form tumors,’” said Dr. William Prather RPh, MD, senior vice president of Pluristem Therapeutics Inc., quoted by WND. “‘Being pluripotent is a double-edged sword,’” said Dr. Prather in Mr. Corsi’s report. “‘Those favoring embryonic stem cell research want to use embryonic stem cells because they are pluripotent, but that is also the reason not to use embryonic stem cells.’”
Ethical concerns, while including high risks involved in human clinical trials (recently okayed by the Food & Drug Administration), begin with the fundamental impropriety of sacrificing one human life for the benefit of others. “‘You have to cannibalize a young human life to get embryonic human stem cells,’” asserts Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council senior fellow for life sciences, quoted by Mr. Corsi. Such action is unnecessary, notes Dr. Prentice, “‘if you work with adult stem cells.’”
And then there are the contrasts in efficacy. Adult stem cells, including those derived from placental tissue, have been shown to be effective in treating and even curing human patients for more than 70 diseases and conditions, as documented by Do No Harm on their Internet website, The most that can be said for stem cells harvested from sacrificed embryonic human beings is that they may be promising.
But, contends Dr. Prather, quoted by Mr. Corsi, “Proponents of embryonic stem cell research ‘do not want the word out that adult stem cell research has 40 years of successful human medical treatments, because embryonic stem cell research has become a political cause.
“‘People who want to have continual abortions push embryonic stem cell research,’” asserted Dr. Prather in the WND story, “‘because they want to be able to cite a reason that killing babies is beneficial to human health.’”
Time for Prevention
ONE OF SEVERAL DANGEROUS PENDING TREATIES could be beginning to move toward consideration by the US Senate, reports an Internet-based organization,, whose aim is to protect legal recognition of the authority of parents in America. Parental Rights is chaired by attorney Michael Farris, chancellor of Patrick Henry College and chairman of HomeSchool Legal Defense Assn.
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has said, reports Parental Rights, “she wants a 60-day timeframe for the State Department to complete its review so the Senate can move toward ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.”
“Under the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) of the US Constitution,” warns Parental Rights, “ratified treaties preempt state law. Since virtually all laws in the US regarding children are state laws,” notes Parental Rights, “this treaty would negate nearly 100% of existing American family law. Moreover, it would grant the government authority to override parental decisions by applying even to good parents a standard now only used against those convicted of abuse or neglect.”
Sen. Boxer showed her desire to expedite the treaty’s consideration during the January confirmation hearing for UN Ambassador Susan Rice. Asked by Sen. Boxer about the treaty, Amb. Rice, reports Parental Rights, “promised to review the treaty but noted ‘challenges of domestic implementation.’ [Amb.] Rice also resisted a strict timeframe … [and] call[ed] it a ‘complicated treaty.’” When Sen. Boxer could not wring a more specific commitment out of her, reports Parental Rights, the leftish Senator “said they would take it up with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”
With Sen. Boxer straining to expedite ratification of a treaty which would jeopardize American families in the name of a “pro-child” goal, it is not too soon to begin seeking pledges from Senators that they would oppose ratification once the treaty is submitted.
The single most key Senator from whom to secure such a pledge is Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, who is known to take a softer stance on such proposals than many of his GOP colleagues and whose acquiescence in ratification could clinch its imposition on our society. Sen. Lugar may be contacted at 1-202/224-4814 or through his home-state office at 1-317/226-5555. Acknowledge that you are aware that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is not yet pending in the Senate but that its defeat is so important to you that you are calling now to secure Sen. Lugar’s written commitment to oppose its ratification. Please send a copy of any correspondence you may receive from Sen. Lugar on this treaty to us at Life Advocacy, 2004 E. Sherwood Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60004. Thank you!
On the Record
THE MISNAMED AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSN. HAS GONE ON RECORD advocating abetted suicide and “legal abortion,” reports Jennifer Mesko for Focus on the Family’s news service,
Among its 2008 policy recommendations, reports Ms. Mesko: “‘Support allowing a mentally competent, terminally ill adult to obtain a prescription for medication that the person could self-administer to control the time, place and manner of his or her impending death.’ …
“The public health [sic] group also calls for state legislation,” writes Ms. Mesko, “‘protecting and enhancing women’s ability to obtain safe, legal abortion services without delay or government interference.’”
Perhaps the so-called public health professionals would care to explain how either of their leftish policy pronouncements is supposed to enhance our confidence in their ability to promote health and stop communicable disease.
Good Choice
WE AT LIFE ADVOCACY CONGRATULATE JANET MORANA on receiving the 2009 Cardinal John O’Connor Pro-Life Award, one of the highest honors in the pro-life community which was first presented, in 2001, to the venerated Rep. Henry J. Hyde and is intended to honor individuals, notes Priests for Life in a news release, “who have demonstrated courageous Christian witness in defending the sanctity of all human life.” The award is presented each year by Legatus, a lay organization of some 3,200 Catholic executives and their spouses, and was bestowed on Miss Morana during the group’s international conference held Feb. 5-7 in Bermuda.
Miss Morana is executive director of Priests for Life and a co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign through which post-abortive mothers and fathers testify publicly to their regret and pain in the aftermath of their losses.
‘Komen’s Dark Side’
LIFE ISSUES INSTITUTE (L.I.I.) HAS PRODUCED A VIDEO exploring the link between abortion and breast cancer and calling on the breast-cancer organization Susan G. Komen for the Cure to stop diverting fundraising proceeds to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s chief purveyor of induced abortion.
The compelling video features interviews by LII’s Brad Mattes with Karen Malec, founder and president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer; Angela Lanfranchi MD, FACS, clinical assistant professor of surgery at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center; and Eve Sanchez Silver, president of Clear Research and former Latina advisor to the Komen foundation. Mrs. Silver resigned from her high-level role with Komen when the leading breast-cancer fundraising organization refused to give up subsidizing Planned Parenthood after she confronted them with research on the abortion/cancer link.
“Komen’s Dark Side” can be viewed on LII’s video website or via DVD.
Setback in Southern Wisconsin
THE BOARD OF THE MADISON (WI) SURGERY CENTER VOTED 6 to 0 Feb. 6 to commit second-trimester abortions at the University of Wisconsin-affiliated clinic. By so doing, the university and its clinic will pick up the market share of a late-term abortionist who retired in December. This university is well known for its involvement in anti-ethical medical experimentation. The University’s hospital board had previously, by an 11-to-3 vote, its clinic’s proposed barbarism.
March for Life Speeches
Transcribed by Life Advocacy Briefing from live coverage Jan. 22, 2009, on EWTN
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): Hello, I’m Jim Jordan from Ohio. Thank you for, thank you for standing up for the truth. And thank you for doing it in such a positive way. The truth is on our side, so keep a smile on your face as you engage in this struggle and engage in this debate. And always remember the story from Scripture, when the Israelites were camped against the Philistines, and every day the giant would walk out and issue the challenge: Who will fight Goliath? The Israelites’ response was: He’s so big, we could never defeat him. But David’s response was: He’s so big, I can’t miss. That’s the attitude of the pro-life people. Thank you and God bless.
Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS): I’m Gregg Harper from the great pro-life state of Mississippi. We are with you. Do not give up. Proverbs 21:31 says, “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.” And with His help, we will win. God bless you all.
Rep. Henry Brown (R-SC): Hello, I’m Henry Brown from the great state of South Carolina, and I’m grateful to see such a great group of folks out here today, standing up for what we all believe right. I have 100% voting record of pro-life, but let me tell you, in this last campaign, I ran against a pro-choice candidate, and she almost come up here to represent you. Let me tell you, the field is white unto harvest, and the workers are few. We’re grateful that you’re all here to bring the foals to bearing. Thank you for coming, but don’t forget to go back home and support us candidates that you want to represent you up here in DC. God bless you, and God bless America.
Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL): Good afternoon. I’m Robert Aderholt, Congressman representing the 4th district of the great state of Alabama. And I just want to say thank you for being out here today on this cold January day. I know there’s a lot of other places you could be, but your presence here makes a big difference in sending a message to the folks on Capitol Hill and around the world that the United States of America does stand for life. I’m very proud to have served in the House of Representatives for the past 12 years, and one of the first votes that I had the privilege of casting here in our nation’s capital was in the defense of the unborn. And so I want to thank you for your patience and for your standing with this issue for so many years, and … your voice does not go unheard on Capitol Hill. So again, from the bottom of my heart and from all of my colleagues who are behind me and who have come before me, thank you for all you do, and we’ll be there to work with you in the trenches. Thank you.