Life Advocacy Briefing
December 23, 2019
Overview / 2019 Voting Record Index – House / Record – House
2019 Voting Record Index – Senate / Record – Senate
AS WE CONCLUDE OUR PUBLICATION SCHEDULE FOR 2019, we wish our readers a blessed Christmas and happy new year celebration. Expect us to return with our Jan. 6, 2020, edition.
Today, we present a compilation of the voting records of the Members of the House and Senate as reflected in the roll calls which we published timely during the year. We hope our readers find this useful, as you have in past years, and that we will be forgiven any errors which could have occurred in the reporting and compilation process; we have tried our best!
Generally speaking, the greater activity on Life-related issues was clearly in the Senate – but only because of confirmation votes for Presidential appointees whose confirmation roll calls were tight because of objections raised by the abortion lobby along with other leftwing lobbies; most were federal judges. We appreciate the emphasis Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has placed on the confirmation of judges to lifetime appointments. As to the House, we have never – in all the years we have been publishing Congressional voting records – seen so little action in an entire year, a demonstration of the gridlock which has seized our nation’s capital with the turnover of the House to significant Democratic control in the 2018 election.
Battle lines are clearly drawn between the parties as to defending or challenging the right to life. We report these divisions with a measure of sadness but in hope that voters will assert this paramount cause in their approach to candidates in 2020.
2019 Voting Record Index – House
HR-21 Funding Various US Agencies through Sept. 30 – Motion to Recommit with instructions to delete pro-abortion provisions appropriating tax funds to UNFPA & stripping Mexico City Policy anti-abortion restrictions from foreign aid – Jan. 3 – Failed 199-232
HR-5 – Equality Act – Procedural motion to remove pro-abortion provisions – May 17 – Failed 181-228
HR-5 – Equality Act – Final Passage – Includes repeal of Hyde Amendment & repeal of Foreign Aid Abortion Protections – May 17 – Passed 236-173
Cole Amendment to HR-2740 – June 12 – Failed 192-230
Roby Amendment to HR-2740 – June 12 – Failed 191-231
Lesko Amendment to HR-2740 – Removing mandate for $750 million to ‘Family Planning & Reproductive Health Services’ in Global Health Programs – June 18 – Failed 188-225
Pocan Amendment to HR-2740 – Blocking implementation of HHS Policy restricting funding of fetal tissue research – June 13 – Adopted 225-193
Record – House
100% pro-Life: Republicans Aderholt, Brooks, Byrne, Palmer, Rogers/AL; Biggs, Gosar, Lesko, Schweikert/AZ; Crawford, Hill, Womack/AR; Calvert, Hunter, LaMalfa, McCarthy, McClintock, Nunes/CA; Lamborn, Tipton/CO; Bilirakis, Buchanan, Dunn, Mast, Rooney, Rutherford, Spano/FL; Allen, Carter, Collins, Ferguson, Graves, Hice, Loudermilk, A.Scott, Woodall/GA; Fulcher, Simpson/ID; R.Davis, Kinzinger, Shimkus/IL; Baird, Banks, Hollingsworth, Walorski/IN; King/IA; Estes, Marshall, Watkins/KS; Barr, Comer, Guthrie, Rogers/KY; Graves, Higgins, Scalise/LA; Harris/MD; Bergman, Huizenga, Mitchell, Moolenaar, Upton, Walberg/MI; Emmer, Hagedorn, Stauber/MN; Guest, Kelly/MS; Graves, Hartzler, Long, Luetkemeyer, Smith, Wagner/MO; Bacon, Fortenberry, Smith/NE; Amodei/NV; Collins, King, Zeldin/NY; Budd, Foxx, Hudson, McHenry, Meadows, Rouzer/NC; Armstrong/ND; Balderson, Chabot, Gibbs, Gonzalez, Jordan, Joyce, Latta, Stivers, Wenstrup/OH; Cole, Hern, Lucas, Mullin/OK; Joyce, Kelly, Meuser, Perry, Reschenthaler, Thompson/PA; Duncan, Norman, Rice, Timmons/SC; Johnson/SD; Kustoff, Roe, Rose/TN; Arrington, Babin, Burgess, Carter, Cloud, Conaway, Crenshaw, Flores, Gooden, Gohmert, Granger, Marchant, McCaul, Olson, Roy, Taylor, Thornberry, Williams/TX; Bishop/UT; Cline, Griffith, Riggleman, Wittman/VA; McMorris-Rodgers, Newhouse/WA; McKinley, Miller, Mooney/WV; Gallagher, Grothman, Steil/WI; Cheney/WY. Note: Rep. Amash (MI) was elected as a Republican but declared himself an “independent” in mid-2019; his voting record is 100% pro-life. No Democrats.
100% pro-Life when voting (absences are shown by capital letters in parentheses): Republicans Roby(F)/AL; Young(B,C)/AK; Westerman(B,C)/AR; Cook(G)/CA; Buck(D,E,G)/CO; Diaz-Balart(C), Gaetz(F), Posey(F), Steube(C), Waltz(F), Webster(F), Yoho(F)/FL; Bost(D,E,G), LaHood(B,C); Bucshon(B,C), Pence(B)/IN; Abraham(F,G), Johnson(B,C)/LA; Palazzo(D,E)/MS; Gianforte(D,E,G)/MT; Smith(G)/NJ; Holding(F), Walker(B,C)/NC; Davidson(E), Johnson(B,C), Turner(B,C)/OH; Keller*(A,B,C), Smucker(A,B,C)/PA; Wilson(B,C)/SC; Burchett(B,C), Green (D,E,G)/TN; Brady(B,C), Ratcliffe(B,C,D,E), Weber(B,C), Wright(D,E,G)/TX; Curtis(F), Stewart(F)/UT; Herrera-Beutler(D,E,F,G)/WA; Duffy(B,C), Sensenbrenner(D,E)/WI. *Mr. Keller was not yet a Member until roll call D. No Democrats.
Mostly pro-Life (anti-Life votes shown by lower-case letters in parentheses; absences shown by capital letters in parentheses): Republicans Brooks(c)/IN; Massie(b)/KY; Katko(c), Reed(c)(F), Stefanik(c)/NY; Walden(c)/OR; Fitzpatrick(c)/PA; Hurd(c)/TX. Democrat Lipinski(c)/IL.
Mostly anti-Life (pro-Life votes shown by lower-case letters in parentheses): Democrats Peterson(a)/MN; Cuellar(d,e)/TX; McAdams(d,g)/UT. No Republicans.
100% anti-Life when voting (absences shown by capital letters in parentheses): Democrats Swalwell(B,C,D,E,G)/CA; DeLauro(F), Hayes(G)/CT; Hastings(D,E,F,G)/FL; Gabbard(D)/HI; Axne(F)/IA; Moulton(B,F), Pressley(F)/MA; Dingell(B,C)/MI; Omar(F)/MN; Norcross(F)/NJ; Rose(B,C), Suozzi(G),Velazquez(G)/NY; Ryan(B,C,F)/OH; Doyle(G)/PA; Clyburn(B,C,G)/SC;
100% anti-Life: Democrats Sewell/AL; Gallego, Grijalva, Kirkpatrick, O’Halleran, Stanton/AZ; Aguilar, Barragan, Bass, Bera, Brownley, Carbajal, Cardenas, Chu, Cisneros, Correa, Costa, Cox, Davis, DeSaulnier, Eshoo, Garamendi, Gomez, Harder, Hill, Huffman, Khanna, Lee, Levin, Lieu, Lofgren, Lowenthal, Matsui, McNerney, Napolitano, Panetta, Peters, Porter, Rouda, Roybal-Allard, Ruiz, Sanchez, Schiff, Sherman, Takano, Thompson, Torres, Vargas, Waters/CA; Crow, DeGette, Neguse, Perlmutter/CO; Courtney, Himes, Larson/CT; Blunt-Rochester/DE; Castor, Crist, Demings, Deutch, Frankel, Lawson, Mucarsel-Powell, Murphy, Shalala, Soto, Wasserman-Schultz, Wilson/FL; Bishop, Johnson, Lewis, McBath, D.Scott/GA; Case/HI; Bustos, Casten, D.Davis, Foster, Garcia, Kelly, Krishnamoorthi, Quigley, Rush, Schakowsky, Schneider, Underwood/IL; Carson, Visclosky/IN; Finkenauer, Loebsack/IA; Davids/KS; Yarmuth/KY; Richmond/LA; Golden, Pingree/ME; Brown, Cummings, Hoyer, Raskin, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes, Trone/MD; Clark, Keating, Kennedy, Lynch, McGovern, Neal/MA; Kildee, Lawrence, Levin, Slotkin, Stevens, Tlaib/MI; Craig, McCollum, Phillips/MN; Thompson/MS; Clay, Cleaver/MO; Horsford, Lee, Titus/NV; Kuster, Pappas/NH; Gottheimer, Kim, Malinowski, Pallone, Pascrell, Payne, Sherrill, Sires, VanDrew, Watson-Coleman/NJ; Haaland, Lujan, Torres-Small/NM; Brindisi, Clarke, Delgado, Engel, Espaillat, Higgins, Jeffries, Lowey, C.Maloney, S.Maloney, Meeks, Meng, Morelle, Nadler, Ocasio-Cortez, Rice, Serrano, Tonko/NY; Adams, Butterfield, Price/NC; Beatty, Fudge, Kaptur/OH; Horn/OK; Blumenauer, Bonamici, DeFazio, Schrader/OR; Boyle, Cartwright, Dean, Evans, Houlahan, Lamb, Scanlon, Wild/PA; Cicilline, Langevin/RI; Cunningham/SC; Cohen, Cooper/TN; Allred, Castro, Escobar, Fletcher, Garcia, Green, Jackson-Lee, Johnson, Veasey, Vela/TX; Welch/VT; Beyer, Connolly, Luria, McEachin, Scott, Spanberger, Wexton/VA; DelBene, Heck, Jayapal, Kilmer, Larsen, Schrier, Smith/WA; Kind, Moore, Pocan/WI. No Republicans.
Note: Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) was 100% pro-abortion when voting, but the Speaker customarily does not vote. Representatives Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy, both of North Carolina districts, were sworn into office Sept. 17; no Life-related House votes have been recorded after that date as reported by Life Advocacy Briefing. Representative Jeff VanDrew is listed in this Index as a Democratic Member from New Jersey; at the time this Index was published, Mr. VanDrew had reportedly announced he would change his party affiliation to Republican but had not yet taken that action.
2019 Voting Record Index – Senate
Cloture motion to end debate on S-109 – Bar Taxpayer Funding of Abortion – Jan. 17 – Failed 48-47 (needing 60)
Cloture motion to end debate on SB-311 – Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – Feb. 25 – Failed 53-44 (needing 60)
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge Andrew Lynn Brasher – May 1 – Adopted 52-47 (needing majority)
Confirmation of Judge Andrew Lynn Brasher – May 1 – Confirmed 52-47
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge J. Campbell Barker – May 1 – Adopted 52-46 (needing majority)
Confirmation of Judge J. Campbell Barker – May 1 – Confirmed 51-47
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge Stephen R. Clark Sr. – May 21 – Adopted 53-45 (needing majority)
Confirmation of Judge Stephen R. Clark Sr. – May 22 – Confirmed 53-45
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk – June 18 – Adopted 52-44 (needing majority)
Confirmation of Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk – June 19 – Confirmed 52-46
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Ass’t Secretary of State Robert Destro – Sept. 17 – Adopted 49-44 (needing majority of those voting)
Confirmation of Robert Destro as Ass’t Secretary of State – Sept. 18 – Confirmed 49-44 (needing majority of those voting)
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge Justin Reed Walker – Oct. 24 – Adopted 50-39 (needing majority of those voting)
Confirmation of Judge Justin Reed Walker – Oct. 24 – Confirmed 50-41 (needing majority of those voting)
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge Sarah Pitlyk – Dec. 3 – Adopted 50-93 (needing majority of those voting)
Confirmation of Judge Sarah Pitlyk – Dec. 4 – Confirmed 49-44 (needing majority of those voting)
Cloture to end debate on Nomination of Judge Lawrence VanDyke – Dec. 10 – Adopted 53-40 (needing majority)
Confirmation of Judge Lawrence VanDyke – Dec. 11 – Confirmed 51-44 (needing majority)
Record – Senate
100% pro-Life: Republicans Shelby/AL, Sullivan/AK, McSally/AZ, Boozman & Cotton/AR, Gardner/CO, Rubio & Scott/FL, GA/Perdue, Risch/ID, Braun/IN, Ernst & Grassley/IA, McConnell/KY, Cassidy & Kennedy/LA, Wicker/MS, Blunt & Hawley/MO, Daines/MT, Fischer & Sasse/NE, Hoeven/ND, Portman/OH, Lankford/OK, Toomey/PA, Thune/SD, Blackburn/TN, Cornyn/TX, Lee & Romney/UT, Johnson/WI, Barrasso & Enzi/WY. No Democrats.
100% pro-Life when voting (absences are shown by capital letters in parentheses): Republicans Isakson(M,N)/GA; Crapo(A)/ID; Young(C,D,F)/IN; Moran(M,N) & Roberts(K,L)/KS; Paul(A)/KY; Hyde-Smith(M,N)/MS; Burr(A,G) & Tillis(H)/NC; Cramer(B)/ND; Inhofe(F)/OK; Graham(A) & Scott(B)/SC; Rounds(L,O,P)/SD; Alexander(A,K,L)/TN; Cruz(K)/TX; Capito(E)/WV. No Democrats.
Mostly pro-Life when voting (anti-Life votes shown by lower-case letters in parentheses; absences shown by capital letters in parentheses): Republican Murkowski(a)(B,O,P)/AK. No Democrats.
Mixed (anti-Life votes shown by lower-case letters in parentheses): Republican Susan Collins (a,i,j,k,l,o,p,r)/ME. No Democrats.
Mostly anti-Life when voting (pro-Life votes shown by lower-case letters in parentheses; absences shown by capital letters in parentheses): Democrats Jones(b)/AL; Casey(a,b)/PA; Manchin(a,b,g,h)/WV. No Republicans.
100% anti-Life when voting (absences shown by capital letters in parentheses): Harris(E,I,H,K,M,N,O,P,Q)/CA; Bennet(H,Q,R)/CO; Carper(M) & Coons(M,N)/DE; Hirono(I)/HI; Warren(K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R)/MA; Klobuchar(L,O,Q)/MN; Booker(J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R)/NJ; Gillibrand(I,J)/NY; Wyden(I)/OR; Whitehouse(M,N)/RI; Sanders(K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R)/VT; Kaine(M) & Warner(Q)/VA. No Republicans.
100% anti-Life: Democrats Sinema/AZ, Feinstein/CA, Blumenthal & Murphy/CT, Schatz/HI, Duckworth & Durbin/IL, Cardin & VanHollen/MD, Markey/MA, Peters & Stabenow/MI, Smith/MN, Tester/MT, Cortez-Masto & Rosen/NV, Hassan & Shaheen/NH, Menendez/NJ, Heinrich & Udall/NM, Schumer/NY, Brown/OH, Merkley/OR, Reed/RI, Leahy/VT, Cantwell & Murray/WA, Baldwin/WI. “Independent” King/ME. No Republicans.